Thursday, June 28, 2007

Joe Rocket Motorcycle Jacket Review

Joe Rocket motorcycle jackets are some of the most popular in the industry. But are they worth the money? This article will give you a detailed look at Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket features in terms of the criteria you should be using to decide which jacket you'll purchase.


Okay, this is a pretty vain criteria, but let's be honest. This is usually what attracts a buyer to a particular motorcycle jacket. If you don't like the way it looks, you probably aren't going to buy it no matter how good it is, right?

Few would argue that the styling of a Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket is second to none. From the classic black motorcycle jacket to the race team look, Joe Rocket has got you covered. There is a jacket for you no matter what your taste.


A nice looking jacket is all fine and good, but above all else, you are buying a motorcycle jacket to protect you, right? You want to know that your injuries will be minimized in the event of a fall.

A Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket will protect you as well or better than any other jacket on the market. Most models include reinforced elbow/forearm and shoulder sections. This high level of protection, however, comes at a price...a high price tag and compromised comfort.


These are some of the most expensive jackets on the market. A Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket will set you back between $100 and $500. You can usually find good deals on Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket online.


Joe Rocket motorcycle jackets are typically a little bit stiffer than other jackets to maintain the high level of protection. Most riders find this a little bit uncomfortable. With time, they loosen up a bit and become more comfortable, but still remain somewhat stiff. This is the main complaint about Joe Rocket motorcycle jackets.

Being somewhat thick, you can also get a bit warm inside these jackets. Fortunately, most models come equipped with a removable liner and air vents than channel outside air. Even with this feature, the jackets can get somewhat hot.


A Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket is a sizable investment, no doubt about it. For your money, you get top quality protection and styling and decent comfort. You can find cheaper jackets, but be prepared to sacrifice some of that styling and protection. Understand where your priorities are and you'll know if a Joe Rocket motorcycle jacket is right for you.

Great deals on Joe Rocket Motorcycle Jackets at

Lyle Dove is an avid motorcyclist who enjoys all aspects of the sport including motocross and road racing. When he's not out riding, he spends his time writing articles on the sport he loves.